April 03, 2005

two things

1) I humbly bend over and point to Lennards posting at DAMIJWH today, for being a thoughtful approach to a hot issue in a xenofobic world. I woke up with hangovers, read it, saw the picture, and just felt...relieved.
2) Being at the issue of buttkissing I`ll do something that I two days ago decided I wouldn`t because it`s bad blog-policy. I was asked to post a link, this link: www.linkdoni.net . A very broadminded and info-rich website but as the personal accounts are in arab, I have no real way of saying if its a terrorist website or just.....another website.

And I dont give a shit the Pope died. I recent the mediahype almost as much as catholitism. Really what is happening here with the mediahype is just a sorry and pathetic excuse to celebrate themselves, a global ave maria and then race on to ensure rigid mideveal worldsystem.
As I said yesterday: Away religion. Oops, that was three things but so it goes .