April 09, 2005

the confusion is total. ten minutes ago this psoting was posted trhee times on the site, now its gone and: mon dieu, here it goes again, the posting that was posted yesterday or .... has now been posted again.


Due to an intense program, trying to finish an education, having two kids, being a libra and a stay-at-- home dad I´m gonna have to downscale the hope of starting a revolution from home, and grow up fast and love to learn big business, which was how “WHY THIS…” really started, maybe how anything started: a search for love that became the curse of intelligence.
Therefor will the term “poet” in the headline “Notes of a secondrate poet, become more obligated, as I am trying to shake the goodiebag of attemps in literary productions, which will be posted on and off. On and off because I am sure that I can not control the sheer rage I experience towards the doings of Big Business©

However: We at flotteheimer continues with the quiz ASK THE BRAIN” part 8, today.

The question is:
From which movie is the following quote:

"...all he wanted was rock'n roll porn, und a motor-bike"