April 30, 2005

Oh lordie I am but a victim, selfinflicted…Today, my hotmail account is inacessable because Microsoft wants me to enable cookies before I can log on again. Cookies which I take pride in that I – a PC no-tech – though had being able to disable. But they want me, they want my cyber behavior-pattern, so they can trace and send me stuff that doens`t mean…stuff, more shit companies sending me more shit. And I even pay for having the account. The hotmail plus account, but now they want me to bend over and take it up the ass.
And, the joke continues, Microsoft with the said-to-be philatropic, responsible, ethic, empathic business profile are considering to weigh their support to a Washington gay rights bill.
Gay right activists and people inside and outside the company have over the past week flooded emails and posting on web-logs outraged on the companys decision not to support the bill.
Central for their protest are also the fact that one Mr. Ralph Reed, the former head of the Christian Coalition and one of the most visible anti-gay activists in the States and – no surprise – a close ally of El Presidentes® administration.
Reed is advocating on the behalf of “Christian employees within the Microsoft family” which, he says, finds it deeply problematic to support the gay-right bill. The Bill himself – Bill Gates, is at a rare neutral, saying he has pulled back on the issue because he is reconsidering the bill, which would eventually prohibit discrimination against gays in employment, housing and other areas – seemingly not a problem to the Christian community.
Meanwhile Mr. Reed stays on the Microsoft payroll earning 20.000 dollars a month while rubbernecking with the affiliates of the Bush administration.

I guess I don’t have to mention that this is posting part49 is the ongoing...WHY THIS second rate poet DOESN`T LOVE BIG BUSINESS™, but there…I said it , didn´t I?
