May 31, 2008

after a good 30 articles and frontpages in Ekstra Bladet, Erik and Anni is back together again, leaving that same Ekstra Bladet baffled: Anni and Erik hasnt got anything to say to them.

Or as stated by Bob JR Dobbs, while reading the news:
"Forgive them not for they know exactly what they do."

Party On! Celeb-couple 08 of the year here on NORSP has been awarded.

some grime to party on

May 30, 2008

Cleaning and sorting out my AddictRoom today, that means sorting out tons of books, I - ofcourse with this presence, was lead to rediscover:
"Revelation X, The Bob Apocryphon - hidden teachings and deuterocanonical texts of J.R "Bob" Dobbs."

It a time of dire needs of directions I will go to sleep safe. Note that on the wikipedia link that on november 19, The Church of The SubGenius celebrates a "hate for the sake of hate" day.
Could we narrow down the stupidities of the current danish political climate to a few celebrations - an ambigious goal, I know, but it might be able to burst a bubble or two.

May 26, 2008

I simply have to take a break after a month of wondering from as to why two of the most vunerable and seemingly low status socialgroups in Denmark - prostitutes and (female) hijab wearing muslims - also seems to constitute a crucial moral battleground for Das Neue Ûberklasse. Does it really matter to them or is it merely a question of eradicating sociocultural terms that is a thorn in their socks, and reminds them of their own vunerability but at the same time expresses a strive for moral immobility and that wonderful bitchy feeling of being sovereign and right?

Meaning: anything that sticks out is their symbolic battle, not to save the object but to save themselves from the objects.

Tomorrow off to Jylland for a few days.

May 25, 2008

I had a mail from a cyberfirend, got me through on feeble hope this weekend, but not with the energy to translate. He wrote:

Jeg sad og så 10 min. TV i går med Tara Reid i hendes rejse-program Taradise

or /Wild On Tara!/

outside the U.S., was a half-hour television <> show hosted by actress/model Tara Reid <>. The show was centered on Tara's visits to other countries, such as Spain <>, Greece <>, Italy <>, France <> and Monaco <>, where she sampled the local cuisine, visited nightclubs, and shopped.

og hun var i sydfrankrig,
hvor hun over et par dage hastigt glemte hvor helvede hun var,spurgte de mange assisterende røvslikkere hvilket land det var hun var i lige pt.og de svarede bare med områdets navn, men rettede aldrig at stedet var en del af enstørre nation. man tænker selvfølgelig på disse dumme amerikanere, som tara reid eren plastic-udgave af, som rejser til 'Europe' hvor alt er gammelt og alting mindre end ithe States. Alt fragmenteret i små, mærkelige lande hvor alt alligevel ligner hinandenog deres sprog er uforståeligt, med mindre man selvfølgelig går ud fra at alle talerdet samme sprog som én selv. Med Dansk Folkeparti er det som alle andre nationalistiske partier, at de fremtvingerså mange love at højredrejningen først opdages for sent og et u-turn er umuligt.Det kan godt være at der er mange bonderøve i partiet, men dem der sidder øverstforstår stadigvæk at dreje den således at selv en del øko-flippere ikke når at fåhovedet op af jorden, inden de har sagt ja så meget at klappe-pølsen er bleveten del af deres kropslige funktion. Jeg har altid været fascineret af det let skjulte irrationelle der at finde i den slags,paranoidt tunnel-syn, det ubevidste manifesteret osv. osv.Vores egen redning vil være dér, hvis ikke vi havde denne nationale følelsei os. Hvis vi så den umiddelbare skønhed der opstår også blandt idioterneog skaber vores eget taradise, sprænger hele lortet i luften i vores hoveder;smelter vores yndlingssted i Thailand sammen med koloni-haven på Amagerog Himmelbjergets souvenir-butik. Whatever, saml det selv. Da jeg en kort tid selv var koloni-have ejer, blev jeg oprørt over at deter forbudt at flage med sit eget hjemmelavede flag. I hvert fald på denofficielle type flagstang. Det er ikke tilladt at tænke anderledes og jomere man bevæger sig indenfor det samme rationelle tankemønstersom medierne hælder gødning på (ubevidst eller bevidst), så er har mantil sidst malet sig selv op i et hjørne og kan kun vende øjnene væk fraden mareridtsvision som ikke er én selv, men som er alle affaldsstoffernevæltet ud af porrerne; ikke længere en del af deres, men dog intet for sig selv. Jo længere man intellektuelt befinder sig i disse cirkler, blandes blodet igenog igen til en incestoid klappe-seance der er ligeså dum som hvad-end.Enhvers personlige opgave; Sæt det hele i blød og lad det opløse sig selv.

May 23, 2008

Please consider the irony, distance and differences to between these two articles from same tabloid BT one day apart, a newspaper that over the last few weeks has proclaimed them as frontrunners in the "war against sexslaves..."

article 1:
article 2:

Please consider the difference between the selfrighteous frases in the first article, such as "the authorities as liberators" till the phrases in the next where the authorities is narrowed down to being the police - really meaning, "oops lets pull out in a hurry.

Hideous journalism, but nontheless the work by BT reporteres does shine a clear light on more of the irony. The capture of the cynic pimps means protection of the sexslaves, bot no longer than till the next article where protection means imprisonment of the sexslaves untill deportation their homecountries.

Imagine the irony the sexworkers swallow of being nothing less than emancipated by wellmeaning but almost dangerously morallly wrong NGOs and mediacampaigns who set sail to help andproduce sensationalistic news, and then really just send the sexworkers back - the much feared repatriation - to a uncertainy future.
If you read between the lines in article two, to me it stand out clearly that the Police is in crucial opposition to the laws that the are intended to administrate, but as being a reprensentative of the State, the paradoxs and dillemas of their work and the results are terrible, and have the opposite effect of the intended.

a continuum and elaboration of posting may 5th 2008.

Think this abstract into the debate and context on prostitution and issues on feminism, islam and hijabs that have fed this here blog over the last month clear and as a result of the mental global heating outside in society...

"In a time with moral fundamentalists on the go(!) sexual salvation, health and rights has become hard topic on which many fight: Reactionaries movements in The States are on the rise - again, and in Africa and parts of eastern Europe. In The East and Southeeast Asia similar religious movements and clear tendencies are seen within islam and hinduism. Moreover the tensions between religious spheres has increased since 9.11. Religious ideologies are being applicated on sexuality and are used to increase political power in this fight (...)so ask yourself, who is that is against abortion and contraseptives, who is it that thinks sex only should be acted out in marriage, who is that thinks homosexuals and sexworkers are sinners?"

outtake from article in ALBERTINE, a norweigan magazine published by PION (Prostituertes Interesseorganisasjon i Norge, )

And to that, listen to the music of dubsteppers DET SEJLER I EFFEKTER:

May 22, 2008


After having outsmarted Birte Rønn Hornbech, which takes a lot(!) with yet another stigmatising and troublesome overruling, concerning the hijabs in danish courts, the meanspirited people of DFP (Dansk Folkeparti) finds no rest for the wicked, so to speak.
Being the democratic tradionalist(do not mistake that for pacifist) sucker I am, I admit to being impressed by the poiltical will, the energy level and effficienct ppowerplay as practiced by DFP, however there is no end to my discust and thorough concern - soon to be expanded with utter fear - for what and how they so clearly see the danish society constructed.

In yesterdays edition of freebie 24hours, cultleader Pia Kjærsgård presents her visions for a further and per se general ban on hajibs in public space. Not religious symbols: No, hajibs! Single them out and fry them.
If females wearing hijabs - inspite of a ban - insist on wearing them, heres is the consequenses DFP has in mind, and I qoute:

"Clearly there has to be sanctions. It is a question of whether or not the woman will be able to keep her "cashhelp", because she with the hajib will oppose the law, and the possibiliy of having a job-offer."

Women who already works as teacher, socialworkers, nurses and what not, "shouldn`t feel save either" she continues.
"The women will be told that this is no place for wearing a hajib. If they insist they will be fired, because then they will be breaking the law."

What stands out even more is the way Pia Kjærsgård in the qoutes connects the mere fact of wearing a hijab with a criminal intend.

Allthough DFP tries to escape over and over the realms of racism, these one-eyed quotes must forever nail the fact: The primarery goal of DFP is to construct a complex of law only intended to point them out, single them out, harass them, feed the pressure, punish them for what they also are, namely muslims. The article is not followed up by any others arguments, its just that: make the laws so that we can turn back time and righteously fuck them up even more.

But it leads me to a question:
Is not the clearcut rascism of DF as dangeously a "religious/ideologicla" symbol as the hajib?

I mean, if they succeed with the ban, the logic continuum in my book would be to ban DFF, or to work for a public general"ideological" ban: No T-shirts stating that you are either pro that or con this, no political campaigning whatsoever, scrutinising squadteams to act like mindpolice on a collective front covering all medias, a ban on all religious and political other words: the horrid visions of George Orwell.

Its a impossible battle, but a battle it is, and allthough I do not watch TV I am to some extend worried by the silent trail the debate drags. I mean if DF have set out to work for a general ban, we - with the current political status in DK - very well knows what its means: It means we are going to have the ban! It means we are going to have an even more seculare society and impossibles debates and inhumane overrulings, loss of highly qualified workforce, and an added erection to the national "klappe-pølse" (*)

So no the crises at NSROP is defintinely over - there is bigger potatoes out there but I am seriously considring wrapping up a few belongings and leave this country behind.


inflatable applauding device in the shape of a sausage, much used by danish spectators at sport-events. Banging two klappepølser (plu) together makes it out for a loud applauding sound. First introduced in the 1990s the klappepølse was kind of a compensation for the socalled "klappehat" (appluading-hat/cap, no, sing.) which was a cap with two hands and a pull-string attached, that together illustrated the movement of clapping hands.
The "klappehat" was introduced with massive success, during the heydays of the Danish Nationak Soccer team in the mid 80s, but faded as a fanobject, accordingly to the deroute of the soccerteam.

May 20, 2008

poetic recyclings

they all have heads like balloons and minds like slotmachines or just tired
thriving on a fresh three week ejaculation greener than green
then wash up or wash out
burned scorched and cramped
away in a mental lagoon
where the smell of overdue fish constitutes the dream of pitifull being

May 19, 2008

a pause here in the midst of political and religious frustration....
who said:
"succes is the random factor fraternising the religious ghost" ?

anyho, check this fun link out.... good for a five minute break:

and oh: why are the ongoing strikes in Denmark these days o n l y about payrolls?
Wheres the debate on values, the well argumented implicit sceptisism towards consumer culture, elitist society, free market economy, global warming, modern slavery, wars without end, hunger because hunger is bad tv, against bad tv and reruns, sweatshops, lousy food, phalater, e-numbers, alienation, animalabuse, greed, hunger and deadlines...?

May 17, 2008

poetic recyclings

the weekend score
the sms storms
the ass and rhe once in front
those who cant come and those who do
of the high hirhse yhat ius this
sjhit opionidiocy yiy r aiminmg a postpostposprosponesecondary
stay on your own surf

bonsai patios the tongue falls into place dikes holding water or fingering the situation dikes like red bannisterlight cars fill it up untill 5th floor second year in bkk one only one level close level up each year the rest is air less oxygen and less space is for early and latest dreams

thats how it looks, oversized
now somebody from 29th floor is flashing a lasertorch at amari tower
i am beginning to understand a billion
the size
but not the idea
evrything is accordingly to where it is headed
establising directions

May 16, 2008

The Soap Continuum:

Allthough cheif-ideologist of DFF, Kristian Thuesen Dahl, today in several medias, excuses that he, in the ongoing debate on hajibs in danish courtrooms, labelled Danish People Party as being "anti-muslim", his fellow partymember Peter Skaarup however in Politiken today, is making the continued consequenses of DFFs radical anti-hajib campaign:

What are WE (DFF) supposed to do facing the fact that also muslim MEN with a FULLBEARD can actually end up WORKING inside the The DK Courts?

In Politiken he - Peter Skaarup - spells it out like this:
"Pia Kjærsgård (DFF leader) have just pointed out that muslim men with the characteristic long Bin Laden beard should of course not be allowed in danish courtrooms..."

The lasting picture/headline after reading todays Politiken and other medias:

A muslim female burka-clad doctor who molest danish medical collegue with million dollar cunt faces no punishment by fellow muslim fullbearded Highcourt Judge, stating in his courtruling that: " molested christian cunt is one less feminstic freeloader cunt to worry about."

"Identity is a mobile projection through the global complex social and instituionalised cultural system...." (Anthony Giddens)

"My cunt is to sexy for female muslim doctors..."

A danish doctor wants to ban hajibs for female muslim doctors, Politiken wites today.
The doctor in question, Vibeke Mannniche, (picture), is using her own gender as the reason why. Vibeke says of her motivation:
"Hvis jeg kommer som patient til en kvindelig indhyllet læge og skal have en gynækologisk undersøgelse med al den seksualitet, mit underliv måtte emme af, så ville jeg føle mig betydeligt mere intimideret af hende end af en mandlig læge«

free translation:
"If I as a patient meets a female doctor in hajib - all covered up, and I need a gynocological examination with all the sexuality my private parts steams with, I would feel way more intimidated by HER than a male doctor..."
I´ll leave it wide open for contemplation, mine is however definitive:

May 15, 2008

Tuesday on DRP1, Søren Espersen, dangerously talented spokesman of DFF (Dansk Folkeparti), apparently compared muslims (muslim women volunteeringly choosing to wear hajibs) with prostitutes that claim to be happy with what they do, Nyhedsavisen writes today.

After Peter Skaarup of same political party yesterday labelled DFF as "antimuslim", not fanatical antimuslim but still antimuslim, the comparesment itself doesnt surprise or differ much.

What really stands out to me, is the way the term "PROSTITUTE" again and again is being refered to as the absoulute worst thinkable occupation, the lowest of the low. A stigmatising and idiotic approach and lingvistic arrogant and racial hygennic, that in no way is just or informed.

A prostitute is as much a human as anyone human out there with their wondeful jobs and carrierchoices and selfrealizition-courses and terapeutic weekend trainings..., and if the debate and development on both prostitution and immigrant-related issues is supposed to move on (imagine) - attitudes like this is what is holding it back, making it downright impossible. Like in anyother case in trying to understand and resolve issues you have to look behind the immidiate signals.

Ofcourse talking about DFF, moving on, doesnt seem to be an issue. And it doesnt seem to be an issue that we in Denmark has a government solely supported by a political party - DFF - that percieves Muslims - thats a good 1,5 billion people, as the buttom of the foodchain and the scum of the earth.

But thank you Peter Skaarup and Søren Espersen for that definitive emphasis.
"Un a certain level of complications, lets say like when a needle is lost in a haystack or a child is lost in a vast landscape. there is no longer a possiblity to search or look for it. We must then learn to find, blind in the dark..."
(Lars Gustafsson, underrated swedish writer in "Tales about Happy People".)

May 14, 2008

As a documentation of the editorial priorities at tabloid Ekstra Bladet, heres a link to one of todays headliners:

Not a lot more today, im hungover after a semi-drunk visit to Stengade 30s "Play it"-night. The last band were so hideously malfunctional, I was minutes away from comitting suicide, but instead chose to enter stage and sing my newest song "Anni was a Prostitute".
I cant say if it went down well, I dont know, but that was my public declaration of support.

Fly like a bird, Anni.

May 13, 2008

Jesus Christ!
A short follow-up to the ongoing soap about ANNI AND ERIK as run, heard, and medialized by EKSTRA BLADET (EB).
Today EB writes, after having spend weeks digging dirt from ANNIS past and present as a prostitute, they now try to come on as the emphatic newspaper, embrasing her (claimed) breakdown.
"It hasnt been easy" EB writes today...No, you say that agian, apart from the fact that it has been way to easy for them to execute and bury her publicly, and heres the consequenses, the conclusive and important piece of journalism they end up with: A declaration of support.

How fucking sick is that?

An eloboration on the posting about Das Neue Underklasse.
This morning I met a muslim female friend of mine working fulltime (with hajib!) in a danish institution. She was fairly pissed off. Her holiday"allowance", the 12,50% added salary, had been subtracted from her payroll because her husbound is recieving "cashhelp"/ "dolemoney" (kontanthjælp), from the State.

I dont know what is most surpressing or stigmatising: the hajib or the social service law.

God, im slipping down that cultural aggresive pessimistic road again, deciding to live.


That not news, or this is not:

Here at NOASRP I have insisted - see numereous postings about DAS NEUE UNTERKLASSE -that classsociety absolutely is NOT dead, and that the most dominant sigficancences of The SuperLiberal WelfareSystem...aka...Denmark and associated Systems, is to categorize and approach every issue by gender,class, race and religion.

Everything is social. And noone is as white as they look.

May 12, 2008

I had my Mom over for a visit this weekend. She had to attend the 50th wedding anniversary of some good old friends of her. After a six (!) hour train ride from Jylland she was a little late, and being 78 she is also holds back on expenses she did not want to hurry there in a cap, so I naturally followed her down there by foot following the path along the Copenhagen lakes.
Somehow we immediately stroke up a conversation about the movie “Flammen og Citronen”, which she recently saw. She didn’t like the movie. Allthough of the violence and desperation which she found realistic, she found that it was way too smooth and too constructed.
That led me to ask to her own experiences with WWll. I had been meaning to ask her for a long time about her Dad, which I remember having been told was a very active member of the Resistance at Fyn (Fuen), participating mainly in receiving and hiding weapon from the British, and in sabotages.
Typical to a degree for that generation, it is not something that has been talked about. But after having read Peter Øvig Knudsens “Efter drabet” (After the Kill), my curiosity was naturally upped.

She told stuff, but it was clear that she also DID NOT tell me other stuff.
But she did tell me that her dad –for the last 6 month of the war, very rarely was at home. My granddad was a forester, working for some of the larger private forests at Fuen (counts, baron, blue-blood country), and among other things his job was to keep poachers of the ground, why he naturally had access to weapons. But that was also the excuse he learned my mom and grand mom: If the Germans should turn up while he was gone, they should tell them that he was hunting poachers, and always had made sure that his bed looked like he had just slept in it.

In April 1945 – a month before the liberation my Mom was 14, and was about to have her confirmation, which of course her Dad would like to participate in. But it would also mean an obvious reason for the German scumbags to pay a visit at their home and arrest him. A friend of them – a Count (?), the local head of resistance, had just been shot in Odense, so everyone was afraid.
But typical for my Grand mom she wanted to go ahead with the confirmation, why she decided to have the party in the Chicken shed! She spent days that spring cleaning out chicken shit, painting, putting up fabrics, and generally just making it look like a fitting place for party, with that one specific detail. Behind the chair where Granddad were planned to sit she left a whole in the wall, covered it with a blanket, so that he could escape directly into the forest if the Germans should turn up.
That however, they didn’t Mum told.
But on the other hand that - the party in the chicken shed - was how she got her nickname, that stuck with her for life. Everyone from that day on called her: Putte.

Putte, slang for chicken, or the sound a chicken makes, a so-called onomatopoeia: the creation of words which include sounds that are similar to the noises that the word refer to, like "pop", "boom", "squelch". "squirt”.

May 09, 2008

May 08, 2008

A quick follow up to yesterdays posting:

If the proposed ban against hijabs in Danish courtrooms is another way of celebrating the Danish code of conduct, The true values, The Flawlessness of democracy, I think it has a relevance to mention that defending that model, also means defending a system that has 300.000 individuals on tranquilizers (psykofarmica), another good 300.000 has serious drinking problems, which in real numbers means that around an estimated 1,5 million danes are somehow involved in heavy abuse (family: kids: wifes: mothers: fathers), a culture in other words with serious issues.

I am not saying similar problems does not exist within the muslim society, I am just saying that I find it frightening how easyli the collective medias suck up to the DFF (Danish Peoples Party) point that, a hajib in a Danish courtroom is a threat, a silent takeover, instead of thriving in celebration that a hajib in a Danish courtroom means that a muslim woman have broken a pattern, taken a tuff education, fought with a patriarc system and actually made in to the Courts:
Succes! Integration at full throttle.

Also it is important to remember, that no court ruling is de facto defined by one judge alone, therefore the chances of having a sneak-preview of Sharia in DK courtrooms can definitively be said to be at a minimum.

May 07, 2008

The ongoing debate about scarf wearing muslim judge in Danish courtrooms have made me consider this:

Does NOT wearing guarantee courtrulings that are always right, non-political, independent and free of economic interest?
Does a Jew Judge rule in favour or dutch diamond dealers? Do the judge who golfs every weekend with Mærsk executive rule in favour of icecold capitalism? Or like the case I followed for some months early 2007 (my lost case) concerning the good people of trying to haul Danish PM to court, but failed. A highly political decision 50% polls said, but as It goes with a court ruling: when they are right they are right!

I think my point is clear: That stating wearing a scarf in court equals a certain religious ruling, dispite the fact that the Judge (to be) necessarily will have spend an estimated 15 years getting the job, and then one could rightfully expect, that a degree of democratic tradition will have rubbed off?

I simply do not share the fear: And the last knock out from ringleader Pia Kjærsgård, proposing a total ban on muslim symbols in public space – and no other religious symbols than muslim symbols is just…. You know: Why just not say it like she wants it: Deportation, once and for all!

Well try to enjoy the spring before eternal darkness sets in.

May 06, 2008

Long tiresome day at work, the pressure feeds ideas, but the dire need for rest and wine should not be underestimated.
So, as a continuum to yesterdays posting I give you THE DOLL UNDERGROUND:


“Easily Eon McKai’s most anticipated release, The Doll Underground, first surfaced virally via anonymous video clips planted throughout the blogosphere. Their message was simple: a call for young women to rise up from their homogenized suburban environments and unite against the tyranny of big business.
Inspired by the late 60’s activist-turned-militant leftist collective, The Weathermen, The Doll Underground are here to wake up our day-dreaming nation from the financial dictatorship that continues to crush it.
Lead by Dorn Adorn (Pixie Pearl), these sexually-charged revolutionaries take refuge in L.A.’s now entombed Belmont Tunnel. Outfitted in Lolita gothic uniforms and strapped with home-made explosives, the dolls plot to take down the owners by any means necessary. Sexually explosive and socially conscious, The Doll Underground sets a shining example that director Eon McKai has defined the zeitgeist of alt-porn.”
as seen and read about on this here blog:

May 04, 2008

Just finished reading Peter Øvig Knudsens "Efter Drabet" (After the Killing):

A thrilling documenta of the complexity of the danish restistance during WWll, with focus on the many executions they did especially within the last year of the war.
Apart from - to me - bringing an already dark chapter of danish history under a new light, the story of the restistance - and particularly the killing of Nazi collaborators/snitches - is also a story of a youthriot, as many of the notorius men and woman in the movement were incredible young. And a riot because of the damage the restistance did to the official Denmark collaborating with The Nazis, was - if not the - one of the main reason that the Danish Government had to give up on that policy, and from august 1943 Denmark was on a full scale run buy the Occupiers.

I celebrated liberation day today with comrade Lennard and a bikeride to Mindelunden. I cant express really what goes through my head of scenarios, but it somehow felt right being there for a brief moment. The respect the Restistance has earned is beyond recognisition.

In some ways you could claim that worldhsitory had a fresh start post 1945, and then again no, but thats another discussion. Anyways, if theres one place where time seems to be at a standstill, Mindelunden is one of those places.

May 02, 2008

Sculptor and now verbalizer RENÈ SCHMIDT of is fresh out of the grid with his blog UNIGAMBLE. Checkt it out.

May 01, 2008

see you there, at the fucking outdoor fucking fair!

take it away