May 23, 2008

Think this abstract into the debate and context on prostitution and issues on feminism, islam and hijabs that have fed this here blog over the last month clear and as a result of the mental global heating outside in society...

"In a time with moral fundamentalists on the go(!) sexual salvation, health and rights has become hard topic on which many fight: Reactionaries movements in The States are on the rise - again, and in Africa and parts of eastern Europe. In The East and Southeeast Asia similar religious movements and clear tendencies are seen within islam and hinduism. Moreover the tensions between religious spheres has increased since 9.11. Religious ideologies are being applicated on sexuality and are used to increase political power in this fight (...)so ask yourself, who is that is against abortion and contraseptives, who is it that thinks sex only should be acted out in marriage, who is that thinks homosexuals and sexworkers are sinners?"

outtake from article in ALBERTINE, a norweigan magazine published by PION (Prostituertes Interesseorganisasjon i Norge, )

And to that, listen to the music of dubsteppers DET SEJLER I EFFEKTER: