May 04, 2008

Just finished reading Peter Øvig Knudsens "Efter Drabet" (After the Killing):

A thrilling documenta of the complexity of the danish restistance during WWll, with focus on the many executions they did especially within the last year of the war.
Apart from - to me - bringing an already dark chapter of danish history under a new light, the story of the restistance - and particularly the killing of Nazi collaborators/snitches - is also a story of a youthriot, as many of the notorius men and woman in the movement were incredible young. And a riot because of the damage the restistance did to the official Denmark collaborating with The Nazis, was - if not the - one of the main reason that the Danish Government had to give up on that policy, and from august 1943 Denmark was on a full scale run buy the Occupiers.

I celebrated liberation day today with comrade Lennard and a bikeride to Mindelunden. I cant express really what goes through my head of scenarios, but it somehow felt right being there for a brief moment. The respect the Restistance has earned is beyond recognisition.

In some ways you could claim that worldhsitory had a fresh start post 1945, and then again no, but thats another discussion. Anyways, if theres one place where time seems to be at a standstill, Mindelunden is one of those places.