November 30, 2004

WHY THIS secondrate poet DOESN´T LOVE BIG BUSINESS part 19:

I have in earlier posting tried to conclude the connection or alignment of the concepts big business and politics, as to which I even think my effort has been groundless. I mean: Who can doubt it? I admit it, I`m feeding on hate, the kiss of death - an underestimated feeling.
I`ve also stated that religion, the religious right, played a major part in securing the Republicans and George Bush a second go at messing up El Mundo, and on this background I no longer see the seperation between state, religion and business which I find is absolutely neccesary to nurse the remaining terms of the oh-so celebrated democracy.
So thats that, but as I`m new to America, it never ceases to surprise. Todays headline in the San Francisco Chronicle goes:
More and more schools are to mandate the teaching of "intelligent design" putting it on the front line of growing national debate over the role of religion in public life.
The impetus by consevative evangelical Christians of bringing religion back into public schools are massive. Emboldened by their contribution to Bush`s re-election, conservative religious activists are using "intelligent design/creationism" of attacking evolution without mentioning God.
The results are frigthening: In Texas, the nations second biggest school textbook market, The State Board of Education approved health textbooks that defined abstinence (not getting any), as the only form of contraception and changed the description of marriage between "two people" to a "lifelong union between a husband and a wife".

Well, thats evolution for you, I rest in tears....check out this new religious craze und klikken sie hier: