bliver til igår. Fuglen er fløjet. Sådan er det blevet nu. Du har ikke helt forladt landet før den sidste sms er sendt, telefonen slukket, en omfavnelse og nogle forståeslseproblemer, kaffe, en åben dør: transit. Det er på sin vis altid rart at følge nogen til lufthavnen, men for det meste bedre at være den der bliver fulgt derud.
"nu har jeg f.eks aldrig været ude af Europa og jeg har tit taget fejl af hvor langt der egentlig er til Høje Taastrup men har da alligevel fået smag for internationalisme..."
WHY THIS secondrate poet DO NOT LOVE BIG BUSINESS part 5:
As stated by Francis Fukuyama in The End og History and the Last Man(1995), the myth about the end of history assumes that liberal democracy has achieved its ultimate victory and that the twin ideologies of the market and the reprensative democracy now constitute, with few exceptions, the universal values in the global village. Within this myth, liberal culture becomes synonymous with market culture, and the celebrated freedoms of The Consumer are bought at the expense of the freedoms of The Citizen. Little public recognition is given to either the limits that democracies must place on marketpower or how corporate culture - big business - and its narraow definition of freedom as a private good may very well threaten the wellbeing of democracy itself.
The marriage between market and democracy has is short cancelled the tension between market moralities and those values of civil society that cannot be measured in strictly commercial terms but that are critic to democratic public life
November 16, 2004
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