March 01, 2005

After having celebrated, only yesterday, the 40th posting in the ongoing WHY THIS secondrate poet DOESN´T LOVE BIG BUSINESS I hurry on in the pursuit and present part 41 on the blog today, on this beautiful first day of spring.

Taser International have over the last years been supplying US police forces with a gun known as the TaserGun, supposedly a “non-lethal” weapon to restrain fleeing criminals, violent people and aggressive dogs and so forth. Non the less the TaserGun have in the hands of officers killed 94 people since it was introduced. TaserGuns fire twin metal barbs that emit 50.000-volt charge into a suspect, causing them to collapse from loss of muscular control.
In most cases resulting in casualties the suspect have had up till 25 single shots from the gun, causing their hearts to explode – a ventricular fibrillation- but also in most cases the officers have walked away from inditements and being sued, because the suspects have been either drunk or drugged, which have been stated as the conclusive reason for their deaths.
Taser International states that company studies where researchers shock anesthetized pigs confirm that the TaserGun can not trigger erractic heart beats. Other researchers, not employed by Taser International, says that a knocked-out pig will not have the same panicked adrenaline response of a suspect clashing with the police.

It might be safe with the pigs, but not with humans. A metaphore full of contradictions.

stunning good news