December 15, 2004

the very day the bodycount of dead American GI´s reached 1301, George Tenet, the longtime director of central intelligence, who built the case for going to war is awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom, this nations highest civilian honor, as did General Tommy Franks, the overall commander of the invasion of Iraq, and Paul Brenner, the chief civilian administrator of the US occupation of the country.

As vulgar as it seems to honor someone for something, that is perceived El Presidentes strongest doing - to honor the success of a war, whose outcome is still a question, is as easy it would be, if I stated that the 1301 dead Americans would post as 1301 good reasons WHY THIS second rate poet DOESN´T LOVE BIG BUSINESS, which would have taken the number of postings through the roof to a staggering part 1328.
But honoring the dead GI`s I`ll leave this posting as counting for one, thus taking the actually number of postings to part 28 in the never ending story

is he dead and forgotten?: