March 08, 2008

Celebrating the Woman...

My inbox is being spammed with the danish sex-ban initiative (makeyourchoiceman), set to work for a criminalization of sex custormers in Denmark.
First Ill say this like Lennard at DAMIONW, I am kind of fed of by opinions, but this one pertition brings my piss to boil.
Checking the website of, I learn that their prime target amd mean to prevent prostitution is to ban and criminalise the sex buyer, the custormer....
This leaves numerous areas and problems not dealt with.

The mere name of the website and the initiative, has a limitied and lame ring to it. Yes it is primarely MEN who buys the services of the prostitutes , but the name of the initiative also states something else, namely that it is primarerly up to MEN to solve the manny issues and problems concerning prostitution, simply by not doing it, and thus stating that it is an isolated problem that only stems from the male sexdrive. Thats more or less like saying that its is only up to GAYS to fight for GAY rights.

And believe me, I do not believe that men has a right to b u y sex, but I do believe in the necessity of choice.

Anyways, the initiative also says, now that countries likeSweden and Norway have gone forward with legislation banning the sexindustri and in particular the sex-custormers - and the fact that Denamrk hasnt, puts our dear nation in dire danger of becoming the next and new RedLight district of NothernEurope.
By saying so, the initiative points out a very central argument of NOT goping a(dick)head with the ban. The sexindustry as such works by the logis of the basic marketyeconomic principle of supply and demand. Closing a market here or therewill only mean it pos up somewhere else, which do not equals solving the probleming, it only means moving it, and that maybe to countries with way less restrain than that of the scandinavian welfare-model.
Again, I am not defending prostitution, but I am trying to point out that the debate needs to be put in the global economic context in which it rightfully belongs.

Prostitution is first and foremost a problem that stems from poverty, which again points to the crucial insecurity of frre mar keteconomy, which ironically have ment an immense increase of people - men and woman - willing to face great risk by choosing for instance migration as a personal startegy to achieve what personal problems they set out to solve.

I really loathe the somewhat moralistic, narrowminded, naive highpitched tone by anachronistic feminists that cries out from the top of affluence. Being implented, the initiative - banning sex buyers - would ultimately ban a lot of womens choice.
NOBODY WILLINGLY CHOOSES PROSTITUTION the Feminist cries out, and they are to a certain degree right. But instead, why not turn the table and call the intiatrive BAN POVERTY, because it would be a more - and as naive - right place to start.
And in the meantime - because I really do not believe that you can stop prostitution - why not start working on prostitues right, as women today partly celebrates the womensright they have won over the last many years.
Inititiaive in Denamrk is already on-going, trying to set up a union for sex workers, and why the helle jot, its the only way to control whats going on to some degree, and a chance to outthe human traders more.

Still in Thailand, this subject bites me. I meet women all the time, who knows Denmark, and knows the case, who constatnly wonders: What the fuck is going on in Denmark? as they did when DPP and Pia Kjaersgaardlandslided the nation, as the did during the Mohammed Crisis, as they did and as they do.

Happy March 8th'