March 30, 2006

it hit me. i am not satisfied. i am not satisfied with apparent sense of dullness and lazyness that seems to have infected my blog. i dont know what it is. living in the states fired up numerous issues. maybe it was the mere fact that more stuff seemed to be at stake. or more untamed nature. or more untamed people.
but that sucks: there is always issues. and somehow i have been reluctant to touch one of the most illuminated ones that have ever hit denmark: the ongoing soap of the muhammed-drawings. and i admit: it is a complex matter if you listen with both ears. and i do that. thats how i was brought up, and thats how i understand the finer mechanichs of the body to be used.

but then, which doesnt mean here i go, but then
at my studio
I was reading. reading stuff to brush up a series of new paintings, when i read this, written by brasilian philosopher PAULO FREIRE. He writes in his book PEDAGOGY OF THE OPPRESSED (first published 1970):

"An epoch is characterized by a complex of ideas, concepts, hopes, doubts, values, and challenges in dialectical interaction with their opposites, striving towards plenitude. The concrete representation of many of these ideas, values, concepts and hopes, as well as the obstacles which impede the people`s full humanization, constiitute the themes of that epoch. These themes imply others which are opposing or even antithetical; they also indicate tasks to be carried out and fulfilled. Thus, historical themes are never isolated, independent or disconnected, or static; they are always interacting dialectical with their opposites. Nor can these themes be found anywhere except in the human-world relationship. The complex of interacting themes of an epoch constitutes its thematic universe.
Confronted by this "universe of themes" in dialectical contradicyion, persons take equally contradictory positions: some work to maintain the structures, others to change them. As antagonism deepens between themes which are the expression of reality, there is a tendency for the themes and for reality itself to mythicized, establishing a climate of irrationality and sectarianism."

Though clearly a tad marxist, I think Freire states the framework of the ongoing Mohammed crisis precisely and also states to the point, where to concentrate on a solution, the reflection that could move us out of this gridlock.

I guess that kind of sums it up. Happy spring come staurday.

more info on Paulo Freire