June 13, 2005


If the concept anthropology means a contextual understanding of social, cultural, economic (and historic per se) terms under which individuals, groups or people exist - and I am pretty sure that`s what it means being f...... married to an anthropoligical A-student - this weekend have done nothing but setting the terms of my liberty to move, and here the movement, the mobility, is to be understood, as transport, hence: cars.

But I cant, not today, I cant write the full absurd cronologi as it has not yet ended, this posting only to ... post ... in between headstands under the hood of my two cars, and psychic headstands and manouvering between the individuals, depending on their efficiency.
Why is it that every time something stops working, that blaming someone seems to hold the potential solution to the problem?

Expecting both cars to run tomorrow I`ll finish this part 6 off.