September 12, 2006

I watched TV. Yesterday, with the volume off and with half an eye I watched the bonding between one of Denmarks finer in print, Henrik Nordbandt, and the always furiously present Pia Kjæærsgård of Dansk Folkeparti - Danish Peoples Party.
What struck me first was the clear physical resemblance of the two. They looked like twins, and they came out like twins having made up after troubled years apart. Evenly pale in the studio, washed and combed, and not at least, very content.
They have been collaborating on a book which basically is a series of conversations on religion and state, and contributing more I think, to a stigmatation to of the "them and us" termonology, than actually forwarding the debate. Ofcourse, I really cant say, we had the TV muted, and I admit I found it utterly irrelevant to listen to them, all full of myself, I waspretty sure of the outcome.


And the tacky timing off the interview, 9.11, didnt it make it too hard for Pia Kjærsgård to emphasize for what she feels when she "talks on behalf of the danish people..." as I think I heard her say, when I watched it a little closer, not fearful, but full of hate.
I tried to zap, but on three or four international channels, DR1, RTL; RAiUno, the same TV program was shown, the rooky account from ground zero, I had no escape, nor had anyone watching television. We are whiping our tears, we are whiping our asses in personal accounts from 9.11, up close, the fireman, the mother, the almost victims, in general the (conviniently) most documentated catastrophe in world history.

Two weeks ago I found out reding a book, that US bombers whiped out as many lives in Tokyo as in the release of atomic madness on Hiroshima and Nagasaki. And the japanese raped and killed more than 300.000 in NanKing (China), and now both the countries, US and Japan are best mates, and thats just democracy. Should we learn to live with that? Thats the narrative El Presidente Bush stated during in Graceland with Japanese primeminister whatshisname-sato on statevisit not one month ago. Oh yes. We can. We are so, and only human.

So how about cutting us some slack here? Can we forget about 19 terrorists killing 2.986 american citizens in one blow? When will history, or, when will, the foreign policy strategic of The Coaliton make that convinient? What will the narrative become? Because it will change.

And we have TV for that. Narrative changes to fit the tapestry.