December 06, 2005

Over the weekend,
I attended the same special event Lennard mentioned yesterday at his blog at Not only did we attend the same event we are also running teammates over the last three years.
Allthough, in this duration, with only one noted victory, we are, what some would say the Onthologist of the mob. In other words, the rest of the mob are moons around us.

One thing stood out during this years Grand Pop Quiz. From the usual 40 sq. feet reality of popmaster Puttes Copenhagen crip, we had, by the means of St. Sigurts persistent work, moved the event to more tranquile settings in Lumsås - as told.

And it was indeed a weekend to rember. Though we lost again, perticularly cheered by the fact that BOBO did contribute to his team not winning either, it was a very mature and conflictfree weekend. Walks and memory in the sand, soccer on the beach, excessive amounts of dope and booze and everything with it, mysterious lights in the sand and so on and on and on.

I was the last man to leave the house on sunday night. Two hours after everyone had left I got up to leave, disconnect the power and hide the key. Everythting pitch black, silent and cold, nonetheless: But never I say, never, have I felt this mantra so hard:

You can be lonely but you are never alone.