May 06, 2005

I think...Anyways, today,

I have been surfing danish websites but havent been able too find the news So ApPareNtLy it TAKES MORE THAN A TooTHLESS mOUTH TO SHOt ME UP, BUT D-JEsuS!!!!!! THIS TIME FOR A GooD REASON....I NO LONGER HOLD ANY PATIENCE OR BELIEF OR EXPECTATION ABOUT a PosTive OuTcOme of THE IRAQ smaller print...The NeW York Times wrItes today that US have mishandled 96.6 million dollars in rebuilding Iraq, that is: money not accounted for, a large part of those iraqi oil-fonds frozen by the US as the invasion happened but opened up so they could be spend before June 28, 2004, where iraqi administration took over that part of the job.
But stories of american individuals fleeing with up till 780000 dollars, and so on, the mess has no end, and as superwoman Naomi Klein stated head on... : it seems a crucial part of corperations working to rebuild or redrain or what ever the fuck they are doing...merely is considering that this option - Iraq- equals fREE MoNEy.
I said before and I will say it again... There is no FREe LuNcH!

Thus I conclude in the final part(50) of WHY THIS secondrate poet DOESNT LOVE BIG BUSINESS. Its been fun,interesting, enlightening, but I am getting...I dont know, my immediate need for tranqulizers has rosen proportionally with the amount of info: The core of capitalism is without regret, consiousness, ethic or moral. There is no control, the money has become invisble, soulless and without a body, thus even harder to love.
And as at any decent funeral I`ll end the thing with a song...or rightfully quoting lyrics from another Bob Hund tune - though here not written in affluent swedish, the point is clear:

så en film på Bio
den var saemra end kalkun
så pråttat vi om penga
vi boerja taba tråden
sen kom jag hjem på nattan i dårlig kondition