May 12, 2005

in the New York Times
under the headline : Thanks to surgery Fashion develops A New Silhouette, an article enthusiaticly embraces the present heydays of new tits for its innovative impact of the design and fashion industry.

From 2001 where around 280.000 american women had a breast-implants till 2004 this numer skyrocketed to 415.000. The 9.11 effect maybe..but the makeover is extreme. States like California, Texas and Florida has the highest numbers tits in the US. These numbers being a major tendency out of the 3,2 million plastic-surgeries made per year in that there country...

it just makes me wonder..The Tit healing of a nation...i dont know, but I think its deranged. Silicon Tit Valley Girls...oh lordie, forgive I for I am a-rambling....