January 21, 2005

a few outtakes from el mundo Americana©. First a reference from the interrogation of ice queen Condoleeza Rice on Capitol Hill Tuesday, concerning her moving up in the world to become secretary of state.
Sen. Barbara Boxer (D-California): “I just feel you quote president Bush when it suits you, but you contradicted him when he said, “Yes, Saddam could have a nuclear weapon in less than a year". You go on TV nine months later and said. “Nobody ever said it was…”"
Condoleeza Rice: “Senator, that was just a question of pointing out to people that there was an uncertainty. No0 one was saying that he would have a weapon within a year for it to be worth to go to war.”
Barbara Boxer: “Well, if you can’t admit to this mistake, I hope that you’ll…”
Condoleeza Rice: Senator, we can have this discussion in any way that you would like. But I really hope that you will refrain from impugning my integrity. Thank you very much.”

Boxer: “I’m not, I’m just quoting what you said. You contradicted the president, and you contradicted yourself.”
Rice: “Senator, I’m happy to continue the discussion but I really hope that you will not imply that I take the truth lightly”

Chew on that.
Number two: San Francisco Chronicle have now for three days in a row stated the same number of dead american GI`s at 1368, even though they add more names to the list. Hmmmmm, chew on that too.
One of the conservative semi religious groups backing El Presidentes® campaign, Focus on the Family, are now accusing the cartoon character SpongeBob Squarepants for being a “pro-homosexual icon”. SpongeBob Squarepants has been seen in a video featuring 100 wellknown cartoon-charecters. A video that have appeared on Nickelodeon other channels, are called “We are family” and is, says producer Nile Rodgers

(yes, he did in fact write the 70s disco one-hit-wonder ) a video promoting multi-culturalism, and nothing in it refers to sexual identity.
Dr. James Dobson, who raised the matter says: “I urge my allies to stand up and together and join the spiritual battle for the country…We see the video as an indious means by which the producers is manipulating and potentially brainwashing our kids. It’s a classic bait and switch.”

Chew on that for a second:
who’s manipulating who, and brainwashing, where, how much, when,…Well there`s got to be an enemy outhere somewhere to make sense of it all.
The red scare in emperor’s new clothes...

were they all dikes and gays? klikken sie hier

he does look a little gay dont he?