June 17, 2008

Today I would have written about the head to head meeting between chiefeditor of Ekstra Bladet, Poul Madsen, and tv producer Thomas Heurlin, concerning the mediafrenzy-soap of Anni and Erik that I attended yesterday.

But it turned out to be a hush hush meeting, and everyone there, made a silent promise not to go public with anything from the meeting because it could be of personal and sensitive character.
To that I can only say: I am really glad that we have Ekstra Bladet to uphold that principle.

...., what I thought of the meeting....I will return, I think, I think because I also think it is to some degree is indiffenrent, because it became so clear how much a construction that type of commucication is, how little they actually tell and write, only by writing more of it, how TV thrives on newspapers, how newspaper thrives on TV, and aint it just a sad small reality to kling on to, aint it letting go of journalistic principle of fucking enlightment of the public, and not a conformation of the lowest common third.
That it is a highly shrude, backstapping, illoyal and bottomless machine is no surprise, but I must admit to being surprised (or sur-pissed) with the patronising, prejudice and calculating joy the representatives of the press came out. Or at least that was what i think I saw. I was distracted by free sandwiches, cold drinks, and famous people...

A conclusion: The speed of revisionism is shitscary. The sound of the common third is hollow and very loud. And me: I am pissgrumpy hypocrit little piss-ant for even caring....

Democracy: There are days where your opinion matters, and as a natural consequens here off, also days where...yeah! You do the math!