October 25, 2007

Election is on. Turn of your telies, ban exit poles, close the newspapers, toss your radio through the window, close your eyes and mark with your X the crossroad....no?

DPP leader Pia "ugly bitch in small pond has big impact" Kjærsgård races out one day one and publish the Partys new campaign poster: A cartoonish sketch of Mohammed, with the text: fREEDOM OF SPEECH IS DANISH, cENSORSHIP ISNT.

The bitter and highpitched bitch! Freedom og speech isnt danish, and it isnt really functional within the boundries of Danish Peoples Party either. But once again she strokes the generalzing, nonreflected tone and demonizes islam and muslims per se, and claims at the same time that theres is a definition to danish values, or: that danes and Denmarkk is a homogenic unit. It is as false as it sounds boring.
I only hope that the different organisations, imans, and individuals within the muslim society have the stamina to let her pitch as she wants, ignore her, dig her own grave, let her stubborness and hate be her capital punishment, leave her be...

A tuff election campaign aheda. I bet. But I also bet you that come november 15, the primeminister is still Fogh Rasmussen, tougher than ever.