July 29, 2008

call 114

He had enough off violence. When a friend dies meaningless violence - if violence can be graduated at all - come out utterly idiotic, and should be tried stopped.
The three geasers at jfk square wasnt people he in anyway associated with but be just picked up his son and was standing there with him on stressfull but nice summerday, and really didnt need this appliction to the already troublesome reality. The geasers went head on into a serious fight, moving around the square like degenerated balletdancers, hitting and shouting, dogs barking, people yielding. Blood.
He decided to call the cops.That was his right and his obligation. Fuck violence, he hated it - so be it - he called: 112.

"Hello my name is Donald, I would like to report a fight gone really bad..."
"Allright, but then you want to call the police..."
"But isnt this the emergencynumber for anything...?"
"Yes, but, reallly no, if you want the police you need to call 114."
"Can you redirect me then?"
"No, but I did give you the number..."

He then called 114, waited till a something on duty answered the phone.

"Hello, my name is Donald I would like to report a serious fight. I am standing at..."
"Hold on there my good man, firstly can I have your social security number..?"
"No, you can not, I gave you my name. I would like to report a fight..."
"But before I can pass the info on I really need to get your socialsecurity number.."
"But you cant have it, I am not obliged to give it to you. Could you just please send a policecar around, this is serious..."
"What was your name again sir?"
"Are you gonna send a car around?"
"My name is Donald Hansen...I can see the fight from where I am standing, It is really nasty"
"Donald, you say...Can you spell that for me..."
"For fuck sake, are you sending a car around?"
"No need to get rude sir..."

He hung up, the fight continued. He took his son be the hand, walked in the opposite direction. The police-station was less than 600 meters from here. He let it go. The train back would leave in 10 minutes. He always trusted the precision of public transport to be able to surpress frustration. But he had grown to doubt it.