August 08, 2007

Raja Bjarne.

Having had a summer of much turbulence, freaky deadly weather situations, killer heatwaves, the gridlock symbolic suicidebomb that is The Iraq War (also know as Enduring Freedom), it seems to me to be a good idea to point out to te teachings and ideals of being humble.

On sunday august 5th danish Raja Bjarne of TM (Trancendental Meditation, founded by Mahareshi Mahesh Yogi and in particular famed for rubbernecking with The Beatles one weekend in 1967), in Politiken tells about one of the perspectives of his work inside the TM Organisation: World Peace.

Having just bought the most expensive manor in Denmark (56 millioner kroner) he is now looking for 250 devoted people to form a collective meditation group, to secure or initiate: WorldPeace. But for this he is short of fonding, and his humble wish goes:

"It is not stricly neccesary with a 56 million kroner mansion. But the property is suited for other acticvities, and offers a good oppurtunity to prove that TM is more than a joke or a trip. Thats it is not a secterian utopia, but that we have clear knowledge and technology, which have helped - basically - every one who ever attended a seminar here. But we still need economic support to establish the group, that can secure WorldPeace..."

See, humbleness. Is that too much to ask?