October 29, 2008
October 27, 2008
a reminder:
Thursday I merge into dj buttplugster alongside with dj fejlfix aka johnny luger and do a two hour dj stint at Wonderland Art Space, at their grand opening of their new exibtion:
"Who`s afraid of America?" featuring among others, filmmaker and photographer Larry Clark.
the location
more on Larry Clark
October 24, 2008
October 22, 2008
October 21, 2008
October 17, 2008
follow the thread at youtube of ingenious cartoonist/folk-fun-punk-singer Jeffrey Lewis
October 09, 2008
not being a very amble blogger these days I have found myself entangled in various paradox activities, less worth mentionable: work, but foremost an addiction to come home in time to watch The Tonite Show....which could or should silence most bloggers. Jon STewart most be the shrudest mind on the face of the earth: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jon_Stewart. As the US presidential campaign at full speed exploring the tamest of the tamest linguistic and average joe signal I fully trust mr. Stewart to nail it good.
Secondly that I have joined a fittness studio, took up smoking again, deeper in debt and general mindfucks and brainfarts like a fish on a hook with that far away look.
October 08, 2008
October 01, 2008
Recently a friend asked me to paint a picture that defined capitalism. Though I to a degree recent a message that clear the job itself is a challenge. So I was thinking, thinking how to visulize what I defined:
That capitalism is a question about privatizing the profit and socializing the riscs...
I will start of with purple, dripping from the womb...