hit, shop, order and listen.
May 27, 2007
May 19, 2007
more notes on politics, integration, moral panic and womens liberation:
Again, DFF leader Pia Kjærsgård is airing her opinion, welltimed and superspinned, accordingly to the political situation in DK. She now suggets a total ban on headscarf in public institutions, arguing tha th epurpose is to "free the muslim woman..", and doing that an early headstart is the most construtive solution. To me it seems, shes is playing a political card that cannot be accepted by any of the political partys in the government thus adding to a turbulent period leading up to the coming election in, the latest 2008. So womens liberation, I dont think she could care less really, and it leaves me with certain doubts, not only connected to the ravings of DFF.
Leave the (muslim) woman alone. I do not believe that a "we" can liberate "them", in anyway or conerning any issue.
By wearing a scarf more a great number of muslims women expresses personal choice, no matter how anachronistic the symbol might be or seem.
If the "problem" is to be solved, I do not think its up to the women to take the fight alone... (and especially not in grammar school), no, the issue can only be solved by an intense involvement of The Arabic Man, upholding and nursing the moral and religious codes. If you compare the two: A (given) muslim woman wearing a scarf and a (given) arabic/muslim man nursing the religious and moral apparatus, the patricarc constitutes a much bigger issue than the woman actually wearing the scarf.
May 18, 2007
the battle is fought in many ways. a brilliant piece of sampled-art here at youtube. enjoy
May 15, 2007
in danish. when I hate...
EN ODE AT KNEPPE BONDERØVE TIL... og jeg er en, en af de værste, en af dem der ødelægger boligmarkedet og lukker byen og lukker døren efter mig nmår jeg har fået hvad jeg vil og ikke er flink nætter med overspring ad volden bagfra til christiania sølvhejren er en byfugl er alt lukket fra christianshavns torv til knippelsbro og megafonen ekkoer af bonderøv og gyllespild og tv2 news og alt de ser er det i må ikke gå op i s i j e g a j e r ne for så kommer far og far slår sgu hårdt og nihilerer først 24 års og og så 40 års danmarkshistorie på en nat 64 år post-anden verdens-krigs-historisk bevidsthed fjern den for helvede nu i må ikke ha den og i må ikke ha den nu du må have dine naivt løstsiddende konditiorlår af forhåbneinger eller intentioner om at gøre noget anderledes men vi skriver historien nu og vi kan bare ikke lide jer i kan se det forsvinde det der blev tænkt VIRKELIGE VIRKELIGE BONDERØVE af den værste slags hvis bare så at de fjernede EU støtte og sendte hollændervogne hver gang i lukkede gylle ud i Vejle Ådal og sender millioner af sviner i fangetransport til det befriede Sovjetunionen hvis bare der kørte hollændervogne op forand Nikefabrikker og Select fabrikker og hvad har vi der hyrer børnearbejdere i Pakistan elleer sejler våben og rygtet siger at AP Møllers formue blev grundlagt af hans luder af en farmor eller mormor og fordi når de siger noget et sted at her gælder loven og loven har ret så har loven ret alle steder og skal have det BONDERØVE det er 2007 og jeg kan ikke tage et billede eller føre en telefonsamtale uden at sige vent lidt eller det var ikke meningen at alle det lort skulle have været med blåt blink og lyttestationer BONDERØV JERES OPBOLLEDE GRISESTALD STÅR og der bliver set tv2 news og uddannet helikopterpiloter og der skal ikke filmes over monarkerne med pøblen skal ha den i røven ikke når de beder om det men når vi synes de skal og det er lige præcis pointen, at gøre det fordi man kan, lystobjekter, autoerotik, og hvis i går med burka eller har horn i panden eller hører P1 eller ser sport så skla i kraftedme betale for at få lov til at svede og flimrende efterbilleder af idioti eller bare menneskelighed og demokratier der led vuggedøden op på gavlen og ned igen det langsommme selvmord den symbolske vold frisøren med guldsaksen der er stille på frederiksberg og østerbro lejeboligerne er det sidste marked der skal åbnes så bliver de sort og BONDERØVENE ser det og ser tv2 news og stemmer derefter det er så uendelig trist man kan ikke komme til christianshavn fra københavns siden og man kan ikke komme hjem der er bare bonderøve højre venstre morgen middag aften og det skal der være der skal være alle slags ellers fatter man ikke en skid
May 12, 2007
"If you wanna be a part of the danish society, there is only one thing to do: You got to make an effort - but you are signaling, that you are different, that you are not like any dane, even though you are an educated doctor and a resource, and I dont know what..."
DPP - leader Pia Kjærsgård in "Deadline" may 3, 2007, giving Suher Othman a lecture on the importance and wonders of being danish.
"We know from the outside, what the scarf symbolizes - you personal motivation for wearing it is not really important, the important here is what the scarf as a general symbol indicates"
cultural slot Sørine Gotfredsen to uher Othman is same program.
May 10, 2007
May 09, 2007
I most admit that it is not without rejoice I observe party-fluffer Louise Frevert, slamming the door in the face of DPP leader Pia Kjærsgård, leaving DPP with a bang, spilling the beans publicly, confirming my suspicion on Pia Kjærsgårds hideous mental constitution.
Could this be the beginning to the end of DPPs massive influence and powerplay? I say, Land Ho!
May 08, 2007
A short comment on politics:
The founding of new danish political party, New Alliance, headed by Naser Khader, has send shockwaves through the political system. At a pressmeeting yesterday Khader announced that one of their most valued strategic aims is to keep DANSK FOLKEPARTI (Danish Peoples Part) away and astray from the vast and crucial impact that have had on the political agenda in Denmark since 2001.
To that the leader of DPP replied in the news yesterday: "I really recent the hatefull statements from Khader", and then she emphasized the importance of a decent tone in the political debate.
I considered the irony then, and then again today overtaking a bus in midtown: A big DPP commercial-sticker was glued to the side of the bus, saying: "Tighter immigrationpolitics and safe welfare", thus making a clearcut connection between the two saying: immigration equals less welfare and is as such to be considered a threat.
And thinking of the debate as represented by Kjærsgård herself, her followers Camre and Krarup in particular, and their more than hatefull outbust and generalizing approaches to islam and muslims as such: DPP have over the years consequently insisted on the fact that the solution to all immigration perspectives can be solved by a nationalroamatic approach: when in rome - act like the romans.
May 05, 2007
with the eurovision song contest right around the corner and a friend of mine in the choir and dancesquat supporting danish contribution "dramaqueen", this little oldskool reminder from 1980, my all time favourite and an earliy eyeopener to the electronic music scene:
NOASRP proudly present from belgium: TELEX!