what I do not sweat I piss.
May 31, 2006
May 28, 2006
After a good month of traveling, things in general starts to settle in. You forget that you ever left, though you still miss something, somethings different, but I cant say thats a new sensation. Its like this: when you have more qustions that you get answers, everything is exactly the way it is intended to be. A nadir that keeps you running. Here or there.
May 25, 2006
May 20, 2006
in real time: I dont know if the rainseason started today, but it sure has hell is raining. Apocalyotic roars of water colour the village in a fluid red and brown, a paradox the dust turns to water. At night everybody hunt for and eats the gigasize frogs, but me: im the falang (thai for white) with the chicken in cultural distress asking for a knife and fork.
I wrap up my few belongings in a little backpack. A notebook, a laptop, a luger, and not the least your favourite levis jeans, which I now, after a summer of 100 push and sit ups a day, look, if not good, then decent in. I disappear at a Cambodian bordercrossing.
May 17, 2006
May 06, 2006
May 02, 2006
tomorrow is liftoff, no postings untill well after succesfull touchdown.
my fairy and hairy mates, have a wonderful summer.
and pia k: how long before the paparazzi nudeshot? can anything oust the ugly duckling? the more housetrained they are percieved to be, the more shrude the spin.
the presidents of southamerica plus castro: get that latino free trade rocking.
the latino immigrants of The USA: Even though you couldnt care less I am with you all the way. A Day without a mexican-day. Brilliant concept
People of Iraq: dont worry, we are now biulding four superbases to emphasize our not-presence.
and the rest: two words